[Blog] 9 years have passed since the YouTube channel "kuro-obi world" first covered our children’s class. Yurina Kiyomatsu, who is still practising, contributed her impressions of Taishijuku.
I am Yurina Kiyomatsu from Koishikawa branch of Taishijuku.
I am currently a high school student and started karate when I was in kindergarten.
Recently, in various aspects of my personal life, I often feel glad that I continued committing to karate from my childhood, and I would like to introduce to you some of them. For example, I have learned courtesy, which is essential when dealing with people I have never met before, as well as with superiors, through karate under the life lesson of Naka sensei that "the invisible mind is expressed through attitude".
Another thing that I realized that was worth continuing karate is that I have been able to meet the great people I train with at the dojo. The friends I have trained with have become now invaluable to me. In the juvenile division, many of them return to the dojo later in life even if they cannot come to the training because of exams or other reasons. There were also times when I could not go to training because I had to give priority to my studies. Even so, I felt, when I came back, that Taishijuku is a dojo that accepts each and every one of those students with a warm "welcome back". I am truly happy to be able to train hard every day at this place and to engage in friendly competition with my fellows.
I will continue to train hard without forgetting my gratitude to Naka sensei and many other people, and I will devote myself to perfecting both my techniques and my character.
Yurina Kiyomatsu
(Translated by Issa Watanabe)

“[Blog] 9 years have passed since the YouTube channel "kuro-obi world" first covered our children’s class. Yurina Kiyomatsu, who is still practising, contributed her impressions of Taishijuku.” に対して1件のコメントがあります。