[Blog] Comments from a Gasshuku participant: Yasumasa Mori (62 years old)


We had a wonderful time at this year's Taishijuku Gasshuku (camp), with participants ranging in age from high school students to practitioners in their 70s, and from such diverse regions as Ishikawa and Mie Prefectures, the USA, Vietnam and France.

Below are some comments from participant Yasumasa Mori.

From Saturday 14 to Sunday 15 September, I participated in the Taishijuku summer camp for the second year in a row.
The camp was held at 'Miyamoto no Yu' in Nagaru, Ogano-cho, Chichibu-gun, Saitama Prefecture.
It is an ideal location for karate training away from the hustle and bustle of Tokyo.

There was a shuttle bus to 'Miyamoto no Yu' from Seibu-Chichibu Station.
Chichibu is rich in nature.

During this camp we spent the whole time practising the following kata from start to finish.
Tekki 2-dan, 3-dan

Naka sensei explained the details of Gojushiho-sho.
The colour belts learned the basic kata in detail with Nakayama sensei from the middle of the session.

I have been practising Goju-ryu karate for 10 years and have learnt kata, but unfortunately, I do not understand the 'Riai'(theory) of kata very well.
Recently, I have been watching videos on YouTube explaining karate kata and continuing my research.

Also, at the karate dojo where I used to train, I was rarely able to receive instruction from the headmaster.
So I find it fresh and very appreciative that Naka Sensei explains the 'Riai' of the kata in such a detailed and detailed manner.

After the training was over we went to the hot springs to sweat it off.
We then had a meal, which we were looking forward to, followed by a get-together.
It was a meaningful time for me to deepen my friendship with everyone who was immersed in the swamp of karate.

I was very happy to be able to talk with many people who, like me, have experience in other styles and who, like me, were fascinated by Naka Sensei on YouTube and joined this training camp.

After the camp was over and we returned to Tokyo
I have been working hard to master the kata taught at the camp.

It has been two and a half years since I joined Taishijuku, as I have reached the age of 60 and I have made up my mind to do my best in karate as one of my last goals in life.
I will continue to train as hard as I can.
So, I would like to ask everyone at Taishijuku for their continued guidance and support.

Lastly, I would like to thank Naka Sensei and everyone involved for a wonderful training camp. 


Yasumawa Mori

Many training friends gathered.
Lunch after the 3rd day's training. Waraji katsudon, a local dish of Chichibu(breaded pork cutlet served on top of a bowl of rice). It was delicious!

If you would like to come to Taishijuku and train with us, please contact us via the email below.
We are looking forward to hearing form you!

Dojo training hours/Access
Email: info@jka-taishi.com

[Blog] Comments from a Gasshuku participant: Yasumasa Mori (62 years old)” に対して1件のコメントがあります。
